The planet of Omoa consists of a giant ocean, similar to Panthalassa in the prehistory of earth. Nonetheless, there are three major geographic regions known as continents to the humanoids: the archipelago, the desert-jungle island ("Wüdju") and the Continent. They are more or less close neighbours, spanning from the north to the south pole. For now, the mysterious islands somewhere in the middle of the ocean are a mystery to the old world.
The archipelago is a giant collection of many islands in the southern ocean. The many islands, atolls, and vulcanic mountains are inhabited by the fish people. On the map, only the biggest geographic features are depicted, as there are too many small islands to showcase every single one.
The region begins at the equator with the southern most located island being considered the south pole of the planet. Its central position leads to a generally hot or warm climate and many rainfalls per year.
Biologically speaking, the continent contains high amounts of biodiversity and specialization. Many aquatic plants have not developed to be green in color but red or orange, leading to a seemingly warm ocean. Prehistoric animals, like armour fish or ichthysaurs can be found in abundance. Aquatic arthropods inhabit the central eco-region of the archipelago.
The desert-jungle continent, or "Wüdju" is the neighbor of the Continent located near the equator as well. The northern most part consists of deserts and drought while the southern most part does of a humid jungle. Between these two extremes exists a savanna. Generally said, the north is inhabited by humans or earth people and the south by animal people.
The continent can be subdivided into three regions: The first subcontinent is characterized by mountains, a mediterranean climate and the social groups of "Iberians". The second subcontinent is basically a large desert with some life-giving rivers. The southern region of this subcontinent is divided by a mountain range and marks the start of the savanna. The third subcontinent possesses a great jungle with a prominent river system. The east contains a mountain range as well and the south sits on a great plateau. In between the different sub-regions are two large seas with different wildlife.